30 October 2018
11:00-12:00 GMT
Improving the sales cycle: how can ESCOs close deals faster?
Selling energy efficiency is the number one pain point for the majority of ESCOs. This webinar discusses practical strategies on how to shorten the sales cycle.
Every ESCO knows that solar panels alone will not transform Europe’s energy expenditure.
Companies have major gains to be made by investing in energy efficiency and renewables, including improved processes, increased comfort, better corporate social responsibility, and most importantly, significant cash savings.
Despite the benefits, however, the majority of energy services companies (ESCOs) struggle to sell energy efficiency, which severely limits their growth and competitiveness.
On average, the sales cycle is typically 9 to 18 months per project. The crux of the matter is that energy efficiency is a difficult sell, as building owners are not ‘excited’ by the opportunity to spend money now in order to save later.
However, the sales challenge can be mitigated and successful models are now being implemented within the US and across Europe. This webinar discusses the lessons Joule Assets has learned through its work in the European energy efficiency market. ESCOs must be sales-oriented organisations to succeed – shortening the sales cycle is key.
In this webinar you will learn:
How to create effective commercial messages to generate maximum interest from target customers?
The decisive role project standardisation plays in creating a strong position in front of clients and project investors.
The importance of performance insurance and third-party financing in strengthening the ESCO offer and gaining customer confidence.
Tuesday 30 October 2018, 11:00-12:00 GMT
joule assets europe
The importance of a simplified sales offer that enhances (rather than complicates) sales.
HSB ENGINEERing insurance
What is Energy Efficiency Insurance (EEI) and how can EEI strengthen the trust of customers and investors?
How do ICP standardised protocols work, what project types qualify for ICP’s Investor Ready Energy Efficiency (IREETM) certification, and how can project developers become ICP credentialed?