Publicly-funded initiatives

Joule led and contributed to several European-funded Horizon 2020 projects and other government-funded initiatives that shape policy concerning the scale-up and innovating financing of energy efficiency and renewables projects. Joule brings years of regulatory expertise, market intelligence, and performance-based financing knowledge, in addition to its network of project developers and investors built over the course of its experience in the market.



Status: Ended

Role: Project Partner

Partners: CIMNE, EnergyPro, Geco Global, Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat - Generalitat de Catalunya, ICAEN, EnEffectConsult

The EU-funded EN-TRACK project addressed the lack of statistical data pointing to the energy and cost savings with an interoperable ecosystem of data and tools that can support building refurbishment decision-making. The project built on an existing infrastructure and will allow massive data collection, making the data comparable and interoperable with other existing databases and data analyses. The results contributed to better decision-making, reduction of investment risks in buildings' energy efficiency and facilitate closing of investment deals.

The EN-TRACK Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 885395.


Status: Ended

Role: Project Coordinator

Partners: EnerSave Capital, TNO, New Energy Group

PROPEL was a 2.5-year EU funded project that kicked off in June 2021, with the aim of creating a holistic resource centre – the Sustainable Energy Finance Association (SEFA) – to develop, sell, contract and finance sustainable energy projects at the required scale in Europe. SEFA will act as THE knowledge and resource centre for the mainstreaming of finance into sustainable energy assets, not only during the project’s lifetime but long after its completion. The PROPEL project will develop an integrated ecosystem of financing collateral and relevant actors, which together will drive the market for sustainable energy assets forward.

The PROPEL Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101033810.


Status: Ended

Role: Project Coordinator

Partners: EnerSave Capital, TNO, BNP Paribas Fortis, New Energy Group

LAUNCH was a 2.5-year EU funded project started in May 2019, which aims to accelerate deal closure and pipeline growth for Sustainable Energy Assets through standardised, investor grade Energy Performance Contracts, standardised risk assessment protocols for investors, a roadmap for project developers towards accessing growth capital, and market-tested value propositions for developers’ end-clients. The LAUNCH consortium piloted these tools with developers, projects, and capital providers. All material was reviewed by the LAUNCH Investor Board, comprising 20 institutional investors and finance professionals from across Europe.

The LAUNCH Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 847048 . 

Smarter choices

Status: Ended

Role: Project Partner

Partners: VRM Tech, Oxford Innovation, Future Climate

Smarter Choices was a UK government funded initiative to bring together and test the latest financing and monitoring technologies into a single online platform to provide straightforward building energy saving solutions. To develop this new service, SMEs with energy bills above £20,000 per year could access a limited number of free energy assessments and free measurement & verification equipment for pilot projects which proceed to installation.


Status: Ended

Role: Project Partner

Partners: GNE Finance, Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), Climate Bonds Initiative, Ajuntament d’Olot, Energy Agency of Extremadura (AGENEX), Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE), UpSocial

EuroPACE, a three-year project that kicked off in February 2018, developed a scalable on-tax financing mechanism to unlock the massive potential for deployment of energy-saving and energy generation technologies. Inspired by US PACE, a successful project developed in California in 2008, EuroPACE addressed fundamental challenges to energy efficiency investment.

The EuroPACE Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 785057.

NOVICE H2020                                                                                     

Status: Ended

Role: Project Partner

Partners: International Energy Research Centre (IERC), Tecnalia, Kiwi Power, Hypertech, Solintel, e7 Energy Markt Analyse, Noel Lawler Green Energy Solutions, Apleona

NOVICE, a three-year project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, developed and demonstrated a new business model in building renovation to better monetize energy efficiency. The new model consolidates services and subsequent revenue streams from both energy savings and demand response.

The Novice Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 745594.


Status: Ended

Role: Project Coordinator

Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, HS Engineering Insurance Ltd, University of Manchester, Servizi Energia Ambiente, Verco Global

The main barriers to finance of Sustainable Energy Assets (SEA) projects – namely energy efficiency, demand response, distributed renewable energy generation and electricity storage – are: 1) project valuation difficulties; 2) difficulties in project optimisation; 3) a communication gap between contractors and investors leading to a lack of trust.
Today, protocols and tools exist for project valuation, but they are used separately, in different ways by different investors or contractors. Therefore, SEA projects are valuated on a one-off basis, without any standardisation. The SEAF project will significantly lower the entry barriers to finance for small to medium projects, through combining existing tools and protocols, namely Joule Assets’ market valuation tool, the risk assessment methodology from insurance company HSB and the Investor Confidence Project’s energy performance protocols. These three service tools have been integrated into an all-in-one, easy to use, single source valuation and risk assessment framework, the eQuad platform.

The SEAF Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n. 696023.

FLEXICIeNCY H2020                                                                                     

Status: Ended

Role: Project Partner

Partners: Endesa, Enedis, Vattenfall, E.DSO, Enel Energia, Ayuntamiento de Malaga, Siemens, VaasaETT, Fundacion CIRCE, University of Ljubljana, KiWi Power, Verbund, SAP, cyberGRID

Four major Distribution System Operators (in Italy, France, Spain and Sweden) with smart metering infrastructure in place, associated with electricity retailers, aggregators, software providers, research organizations and one large consumer, propose five large-scale demonstrations to show that the deployment of novel services in the electricity retail markets (ranging from advanced monitoring to local energy control, and flexibility services) can be accelerated thanks to an open European Market Place for standardized interactions among all the electricity stakeholders, opening up the energy market also to new players at EU level.

The Flexiciency Project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement n. 646482.