With rising GDP, the European Union is once again at risk of missing the 2020 targets for energy efficiency, and yet more ambitious targets for 2030 lie ahead.
Driving energy efficiency investment beyond 2020
The Energy Post 19/02/2019
Recent studies show that market potential for energy efficiency across Europe continues to grow; most countries have a market potential of at least a few billion euro annually.
What if all energy efficiency projects were financed?
eceee 08/02/2019
Improving energy efficiency, de-carbonising heating and cooling, and increasing renewable micro-generation in existing residential buildings, is crucial for meeting social and climate policy objectives.
Worth the risk? An evaluation of alternative finance mechanisms for residential retrofit
Energy Policy 16/01/2019
A new online platform, eQuad, makes it much easier for small energy efficiency projects to find investors.
The Fifth Estate 07/09/2018
The EU Commission estimates that an extra €177bn needs to be mobilized from public and private investment in energy efficiency every year to reach the 2030 climate and energy targets.
Engerati 24/07/2018
The NOVICE project offers the development of an innovative business model for energy efficiency and demand response programmes.
NOVICE project proposes new energy efficiency business model
Engerati 02/05/2018
Energy efficiency: The missing link
Politico 21/03/2018
Finance shortfalls threaten EU’s 2030 clean energy goals. Improving energy efficiency in Europe was meant to be easy — and affordable.
eQuad platform successfully matches first projects to investors
Press release 12/03/2018
€5 million in SME-sized energy efficiency projects have been matched to finance
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There are many creative ways to finance small-scale energy efficiency projects such as building renovations, but they need to be discussed more at the European Commission level, and defined more precisely, Jessica Stromback told EURACTIV Czech Republic.
No próximo dia 29 de Novembro, Bruxelas recebe a quarta edição do SEAF Investor Forum, um encontro que visa aproximar os investidores dos projectos de eficiência energética.
A eficiência energética pode ser um investimento atraente e lucrativo
Edifícios e Energia 27/11/2017
In this work a new techno-economic framework to model and assess business cases for energy, reserve and novel reliability services provided by Microgrids (MGs) is presented. The framework combines a bespoke Transactive Energy (TE) approach that aims at co-optimizing these potentially conflicting services.
Techno-economic and business case assessment of multi-energy microgrids with co-optimization of energy, reserve and reliability services
Applied Energy Journal Paper 29/08/2017
A quarta edição do SEAF Investor Forum já tem data marcada em 2017: a 29 de Novembro, decisores políticos, representantes de instituições financeiras, potenciais investidores e outros agentes do mercado de serviços de energia juntam-se em Bruxelas para encurtar a distância entre o investimento e a eficiência energética.
Bruxelas recebe SEAF Investor Forum em Novembro
Edifícios e Energia 25/08/2017
A group of energy services companies (ESCOs) and investors gathered in Italy in early March with the aim of building confidence in the energy efficiency sector. The Sustainable Energy Asset Framework (SEAF) Investor Forum in Milan attracted 100 delegates - the project’s largest audience yet, according to Jessica Stromback, Chairman of financial services company Joule Assets Europe and SEAF project coordinator.
Energy efficiency services: How a financing tool is building trust
Engerati 30/03/2017
As an extension of the ‘energy trilemma’ of affordability/sustainability/security to also include social acceptance, the ‘energy quadrilemma’, is driving multiple and complex developments in energy systems, particularly at the level of distributed energy resources.
Ten Questions Concerning Smart Districts
Building and Environment Journal paper 23/03/2017
Carrefour has become the first company to contribute demand side response (DSR) capacity towards French transmission system operator Réseau de Transport d'Electricité’s (RTE) grid balancing services. It is offering this much-needed demand flexibility to RTE with the implementation of a new demand response solution.
RTE and Carrefour's demand flexibility deal - why is it significant?
Engerati 07/03/2017
Europe's energy management sector will receive a boost next week with the launch of a new online platform in Milan, Italy. The Sustainable Energy Asset Framework (SEAF), a two-year Horizon 2020 funded project, has developed the software to improve access for small- and medium-sized energy services companies (ESCOs) to project finance.
Energy efficiency financing: New online tool helps projects ‘fly’
Engerati 01/03/2017
In Europe, the market for energy savings companies (ESCO) is showing signs of growth. Revenues amounted to $2.7bn in 2015, according to Navigant Research. And the Energy Efficiency Directive in 2012 - with its target of cutting energy consumption by 20% less by 2020 - is a regulatory move to standardise and develop the sector.
Energy efficiency Europe: The battle for project financing
Engerati 08/02/2017
Portugal tem tudo para ter «um futuro vibrante» na área da eficiência energética, acredita Mike Gordon, CEO da Joule Assets, que também considera que «o mercado imobiliário está sentado em cima do ouro» no nosso país.
Portugal tem «futuro vibrante» na área da eficiência energética
Vidaimobilária 15/11/2016
As conferências Investor Days juntam diferentes intervenientes do mercado da eficiência energética, nomeadamente Empresas de Serviços Energéticos (ESE), proprietários, arquitetos e investidores.
Investor Days ambicionam alterar o cenário da eficiência energética na Europa
Edifícios e Energia 10/10/2016
Last year, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) reported that the UK’s domestic policy landscape continued to limit utilities’ engagement in the implementation of energy efficiency programmes as suppliers’ confidence with regards to the government’s management of energy efficiency policy remained flat.
UK financial service provider ploughs £3m into energy efficiency
Engerati 11/08/2016
A new European Energy Efficiency Platform has been launched as a one-stop shop for energy efficiency data and knowledge. Its purpose is to help policymakers, researchers, industry, and public and consumer bodies to meet the strategy’s EU-wide target of 27 per cent energy savings by 2030.
Europe in renewed push for energy efficiency
The Fifth Estate 24/05/2016
For energy investors, saving energy has never been as profitable as producing it. That’s starting to change, with institutions from Deutsche Bank AG to Societe Generale SA making it bankable to squeeze more out of electricity and fossil fuels.
Deutsche Bank, SocGen Push for Profit From Cutting Energy Use
Bloomberg Quint 20/05/2016
The European Commission is providing €1.7 million to Joule Assets Europe to develop the SEAF Tool, which will improve access to funding for energy efficiency projects, spurring job creation and the growth of SME service providers.
Lisboa recebe, entre hoje e amanhã, os Investor Days, que juntam diferentes intervenientes do mercado da eficiência energética, nomeadamente Empresas de Serviços Energéticos (ESE), proprietários, arquitectos e investidores.
As ESE mais pequenas são cruciais para o crescimento do Mercado
Edifícios e Energia 11/02/2016
Em 2020, melhorar a eficiência energética dos edifícios vai exigir um investimento global superior a 192 mil milhões de euros. O potencial de poupança é inegável, mas continua bloqueado e não necessariamente por falta de capital. Em vez disso, fazer destes números uma realidade vai depender muito da capacidade do sector de comunicar e vender a eficiência energética.
Eficiência Energética : Um desafio para as empresas
Edifícios e Energia 24/01/2016
(Bloomberg) — Joule Assets Inc. plans to raise 100 million
pounds ($150 million) by the end of the year to invest in U.K. companies that help businesses and homeowners curb energy waste and cut bills.
Joule Plans $150 Million Fund for Companies to Cut Energy Waste
Bloomberg New Energy Finance Blog 27/04/2015
BEDFORD HILLS, N.Y., Oct. 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Joule Assets Inc., the leading provider of financing solutions for energy efficiency and demand response projects, announced the expansion of its financing solutions in Europe, as well as the appointment of Jessica Stromback, General Manager and Senior Vice President, Europe. Stromback will lead business development strategy and create new opportunities in these growing markets.
Joule Assets Expands First-in-Kind Energy Efficiency Financing Solutions in Europe
PR Newswire 21/10/2014