ESCO Market

LAUNCHing the Market for Sustainable Energy Assets

Speeding project deployment and unlocking finance at scale

In Europe, buildings are responsible for the largest share of final energy consumption (40%). Despite buildings presenting significant potential for CO2 reduction, change isn’t happening fast enough to meet our 2030 climate targets.


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NOVICE – Making innovation a reality for energy efficiency project developers

NOVICE – Making innovation a reality for energy efficiency project developers

Pilot your hybrid energy efficiency and demand response offering with NOVICE and lower your internal development costs.


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Energy Efficiency in Italy - How has the market evolved? Interview with Dario Di Santo, Managing Director of FIRE

Energy Efficiency in Italy - How has the market evolved? Interview with Dario Di Santo, Managing Director of FIRE

Last month, Joule Assets Europe become a member of FIRE – the Italian Federation for Energy Efficiency. We were fortunate to sit down with Managing Director, Dario Di Santo, to discuss FIRE’s role in Italy, the impact of energy efficiency on the EU’s 2030 climate objectives, and how the Italian ESCO market has evolved over the past 20 years.


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The million euro question: How can ESCOs close deals faster.

The million euro question: How can ESCOs close deals faster.

Selling energy efficiency remains the number one pain point for the overwhelming majority of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in Europe.  In this article we discuss the top three factors that can enable an ESCO to reach its clients more efficiently and close deals faster.


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